Things Like This

People can be so completely heartless. Without even thinking about it, someone could wholly ruin someone else’s day. But, you can also make someone’s day, with just a simple gesture or moment. Sometimes, the World needs more things like this.

The World could use a little more…

Puppy pictures.

Cute baby pictures.

Cute baby/puppy friendship pics.

Door opening.

Hand holding.

Stolen kisses.

Kitchen dances.

Car karaoking.

Random day trips.

Extra snuggles.

Tucking in at night.

Reading long, wonderful books.

Bubble baths.

Dryer-fresh socks.


Nail painting.

Meaningful hugs.




Movie marathons.

Trustworthy people.


The World needs more love, spread in little moments, that could lead to big moments, that could lead to less negativity. If everyone did one little positive thing, what a wonderful place this world could become. 💕

Until Next Week,



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