All-American Girl: Carrie Underwood

Over the weekend, Don and I went to see Carrie Underwood in concert at the Wells Fargo Center. I’ve seen Carrie in concert about 87 times (okay,  six times) and each time gets better than the last. I’ve been a fan of hers ever since she made her debut on  American Idol and always found her to be so relatable. Carrie was from a small town, had a hardworking family, and big dreams. If she could go on a T.V. show and make something big of herself, why couldn’t I, or any other dreamer in America?

It’s hard to believe it’s been fourteen years since she was crowned  The American Idol on Season 4 and released “Inside Your Heaven,” with “Jesus, Take the Wheel” shortly on its heals. Carrie has always been a force to be reckoned with and every time I see her live, she just continues to blow me away with her talent and kindness. Between the fireworks, smoke machine, incredible graphics on screen, massive stage, lifting and lowering circles of the stage, multiple glittery outfits, even more sparkly shoes, sass, jazzy feel, guitar playing, hand drumming, rocking the crowd, ballet belting, and bringing a local champion on stage to rap with her… Carrie proved  time and time again through her over two hours on stage exactly why she’s the Queen of Country. I fan girl a little bit more each time I see her and truly can’t wait until the next tour to see her again.

10/10 highly recommend the #CryPretty360Tour







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