Fall is My Favorite Season

Fall is my favorite season.

Between the bright, colorful leaves, the not too hot, not too cold weather, the air of change and growth, and all of the wonderful activities there are to do to celebrate you and your loved ones, fall is my favorite season. This year, I’m enjoying it more than I have in recent memory. Sure, there were always things here and there in the season that I loved: birthdays, Penn State trips, beautiful drives to see the leaves, Halloween, Thanksgiving, pumpkin everything… and things I’ll forever miss: fall walks with Hyla. But overall, this Fall, I’m taking more time to enjoy each day. I’m taking more time to spend little moments with the people I love. I’ve had more time to write. I’ve had more time to reflect. I’ve had more… time. And that’s a gift you can’t get back. This fall, more so than any other, I’ve had time to set my priorities, my goals, and my life in motion. This fall I’ve been reminded why fall is my favorite season: it’s togetherness with the people who mean the most to you and shutting out all the rest. The rest is just noise, and at the end of the day, noise doesn’t matter. What matters is love. What matters is you. What matters is time. Fall is my favorite season, because it has given me all of this and more.

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