RBG & Me

I didn’t set out to get a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science. I actually started college as an English Major. Turns out, I hated the structure of English classes. I did well in my first semester classes, but I was bored. Bored, except for one lone Government class I had with a professor who really seemed to care. I don’t know what it was exactly, but something really seemed to click. Right before Winter Break I changed my major to Political Science and never looked back.

I spent three-and-a-half years studying pre-law, domestic and international government, international relations, and politics and political theory. I spent a year researching and writing a thesis that I’m extremely proud of: National Security vs. First Amendment Rights. I loved every single second of it, and I owe it all to a couple of great professors who cared about their craft, their students, and their World, and a Supreme Court Justice who paved the way for women to be absolutely anything they want to be: R.B.G.

To RBG: Thank You.

Thank you for being strong,

Thank you for being wise.

Thank you for being a fighter,

And for fighting for what you believed in

Until the very end.

Thank you for pushing boundaries.

Thank you for using your platform to speak for change.

For equal rights.

For all.

Thank you for inspiring others to use their platform.

Thank you for inspiring me to use mine.

Thank you for all the fights we know about.

Thank you for all the fights we don’t.

Thank you for never compromising your morals or who you were.

Thank you beyond measure.


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