Review: HARD SELL by Lauren Layne

A little background on me – I’m a huge Lauren Layne fan. I love everything Lauren writes (or at least that she has published and let the World see). I have to say, while the Love Unexpectedly series is one of my favorite series I have ever read, 21 Wall Street is coming pretty darn close to the likes of BLURRED LINES, GOOD GIRL, LOVE STORY, and WALK OF SHAME. So far, 21 Wall Street has two books associated with the series: HOT ASSET, which you can buy here: and the newest release (as of today) HARD SELL, which you can buy here:


HARD SELL is the frienemies to lovers story of Matt Cannon, a Wall-Street broker and wunderkind, and Sabrina Cross, the city’s ultimate fixer. When Matt lands himself in a bit of hot water at a Bachelor party in Vegas, Matt’s bosses give him an ultimatum: get a girlfriend and clean up your image or get a new job. With the help of his friends and fellow Wall-Street men, Kennedy and Ian, Matt begs Sabrina to help him fix his image and save his career. What Sabrina and Matt do not expect is to fall completely and hopelessly in love, changing both of their perspectives on marriage, babies, and forever.

I absolutely LOVED this book. Sabrina is the no-nonsense, strong, beautiful, and fearless woman that every other woman wishes she could be. Whereas Matt is the strong, handsome, charismatic man every woman hopes she’ll end up with (without the playboy ways). Luckily for me, I found my Matt Cannon, which is perhaps why I related to this book so well…. I’m a huge fan of Olivia Pope and equally a fan of finding your perfect match to spend forever with. HARD SELL kept me turning the page and excited to see where Sabrina and Matt’s story went. I can’t wait to read Kennedy’s story.

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